Idag på balkongen

Min Pappa

”Whoever Brought Me Here

All day I think about it, then at night I say it.
Where did I come from, and what am I supposed to be doing?
I have no idea.
My soul is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that,
and I intend to end up there.

This drunkenness began in some other tavern.
When I get back around to that place,
I’ll be completely sober. Meanwhile,
I’m like a bird from another continent, sitting in this aviary.
The day is coming when I fly off,
but who is it now in my ear who hears my voice?
Who says words with my mouth?

Who looks out with my eyes? What is the soul?
I cannot stop asking.
If I could taste one sip of an answer,
I could break out of this prison for drunks.
I didn’t come here of my own accord, and I can’t leave that way.
Whoever brought me here, will have to take me home.

This poetry. I never know what I’m going to say.
I don’t plan it.
When I’m outside the saying of it,
I get very quiet and rarely speak at all.”

—Rumi (Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī)

Översättning till engelska. Coleman Barks.

Rumis dikt som påminnelse av våra sista dagar tillsammans Pappa.


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Krolliljan, Lilium martagon ‘Claude Shride’, blommar

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Lilium martagon ‘Claude Shride’

Lilium martagon ‘Claude Shride’

Lilium martagon ‘Claude Shride’

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Lilium martagon ‘Claude Shride’

Lilium martagon ‘Claude Shride’

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Lilium martagon ‘Claude Shride’

Lilium martagon ‘Claude Shride’

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Lilium martagon ‘Claude Shride’

Lilium martagon ‘Claude Shride’

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